This is the first question to ask. Getting verification of your pregnancy from a reliable, independent source, like a pregnancy test or ultrasound, is the next step.

Durango Pregnancy Center is here to help you confirm your pregnancy on a more personal basis and to look at your particular situation and health factors.

Durango Pregnancy Center is not a medical facility which means we do not give medical advice nor can we give details about abortion procedures. We suggest that you check out the following sites in order to educate yourself about what can be a life changing decision:

Pregnancy test

Durango Pregnancy Center believes that abortion is not the healthiest option. We do believe that your life and the life of your baby is important. We are here to come alongside you and while we cannot make the decision for you, we can listen and help you with informational resources. Abortion is a serious decision. You may hear that having an abortion is like having a tooth pulled, painful but without any immediate or long-term effects. Our experience is that women who have had abortions, more often than not, do not forget the event. That is why we are here to listen and ask open questions as you think through the options.

Having and raising a baby is not easy. In fact it is probably one of the hardest things you may do, but it is also one of the most exciting. At Durango Pregnancy Center it is our hope that you discover you can be a good parent in spite of your history, in spite of your fears, in spite of what you perceive as limitations.

Life is good. Your life, first and foremost, is what matters to us. If you have had an abortion and are experiencing emotional and physical trauma, please give us a call. We can support you to recovery.

Am I pregnant?