
Conflict is something that affects all of us at various times. A courtroom is not the best place to settle conflict. Frequently the courts will order mediation for a resolution of conflict such as arranging a parenting plan. If you have been a client of Durango Pregnancy Center, you can have a consultation with BlueJean Mediation, PLLC, free of charge, up to three hours. Dr. Mangrum is a contract mediator with the State of Colorado as well as working in private mediation practice.

In order to access this opportunity, please review the website of BlueJean Mediation and call the Executive Director of Durango Pregnancy Center for a referral. If you call or make contact with BlueJean Mediation, PPLC, without an initial referral from Durango Pregnancy Center, you will be charged the appropriate fees.

BlueJean Mediation, PLLC